Weekly Update #10 - Assassinate


Assassinate mechanic 

Every time the spell gets a kill, it automatically gets recasted, allowing the player to chain kills if they reposition quickly enough and make sure the enemies are weak enough to be killed.


-New slash effects and explosions

Took some inspiration from the game Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight and Saint11′s tutorials from these. I set up an explosion generator to unleash a chain of explosions whenever enemies are destroyed. There’ll be different chains based on enemy size, strength, etc. It randomly generates the positions of the explosions using Random.insideUnitSphere which returns a random point within a sphere. This way the explosions have a nice curve of being more likely to appear near the center. Spritesheet for the spin slash attack below.





I also took time to revamp how I did backgrounds for the game. I took some inspiration from the Megaman Zero games. I really liked how they did the horizons. Still a work in progress, but I think the background looks much nicer. I also added some diffuse material to the ground and moved around the point light in the scene to give the ground some more texture. 

Decided to hold off on implementing multiplayer as it might be out of scope for this one man project. I’d rather make a better single player game than a mediocre single/multiplayer game. May end up adding it after release or something though.



Skipping weekly update #9 because that was about me adding online multiplayer which I quickly scrapped just because of how much time it was taking to develop. If i continued with it, this game would have taken at least a year longer to release.

Anyway, the Assassinate mechanic didn't end up being that huge. I renamed it to Execute since it was shorter. There is the recast effect, but also stuff like "Gain max hp+5" if the spell kills an enemy. To prevent the player from trying too hard to kill every enemy with this spell, it has Consume (can only be used once per battle).

I think the reason it wasn't a big deal was because you could only trigger it 2-3 times per battle at most, and most of the time, you would just use your other spells to kill the enemy to get them out of the way.

Still it was a fun thing to add for one-off spells.

As for multiplayer, the only way it would be added in online is through some mods or having a dev team pick it up like they did for Stardew Valley.

Thanks for reading!


OneStepFromEden_Demo_v109.zip 72 MB
Oct 03, 2018
OneStepFromEden_Demo_v109.app.zip 75 MB
Oct 03, 2018

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